Local Middle and High Schools Students Honored With Closing Reception

The talents of art students from nineteen different Western Kansas schools are on display at the Baker Arts Center in Liberal. As the Western Kansas Scholastic Art Awards Show nears its end, a closing reception will honor the young artists. A come and go reception will be held at the Center at 624 N Pershing Ave in Liberal on Sunday, February 22, 2015 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm CDT with refreshments served.

The Western Kansas Scholastic Art Awards Show is a regional affiliate of the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. It is sponsored by the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, a nonprofit organization dedicated to furthering the fine arts.

380 individual pieces of artwork and 1 portfolio were submitted from 21 schools in the Western half of the state for judging. Judges chose accepted pieces, then awarded American Vision Awards, Gold Key Awards, Silver Key Awards and Honorable Mention Awards. Gold Keys and above are allowed on to the National level.

For more information about the Western Kansas Scholastic Art Awards Show or the Center, please contact the Baker Arts Center. It is located at 624 N Pershing Avenue in Liberal, KS and can be reached by calling 620.624.2810. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, and Saturday 2 pm to 5 pm. More information is also available on the website: www.bakerartscenter.org