Guymon Man Charged With Multiple Felonies

On Saturday morning, Aaron Anthony Anderson, 40, of Guymon, was arrested on five alleged counts including kidnapping, domestic violence, child abuse and threats to do great bodily harm. Anderson was officially charged Wednesday morning during his first appearance hearing.
Counts No. 1 and 2 alleged against Anderson are felony kidnapping. For two days, Anderson allegedly forcibly seized a minor child and an adult female in the 300 block of S. Crumley.
“(Anderson allegedly) confined them in a living room of the home, without lawful authority and with the intent to cause (the minor child) and (adult female) to be confined/imprisoned against their will,” a report obtained by the Texas County Court Clerk’s office noted.
Count No. 3 alleges felony domestic abuse – assault and battery at the hand of Anderson, on or about Saturday. Anderson allegedly willfully and unlawfully struck the adult female.
“By then and there striking her about the body with the use of unlawful force and violence, and with the unlawful intent to do (the adult female) corporal hurt and bodily injury,” the report stated.
Count No. 4 alleged against Anderson was child abuse by injury – also a felony. He was also charged with alleged threats to do great bodily harm or death – Count No. 5.