Early Riser Kiwanis Install New Officers

The Early Risers Kiwanis Club of Liberal conducted installation of officers for 2014-15 at their regular meeting October 2nd. They are Dustin Ormiston – Treasurer, Skeety Poulton – President Elect, Kelly Kirk – President, Christy Kirk – Immediate Past President, Dale Sprague – Secretary & Ed Poley – Vice-President.

Additionally the Board of Directors (not pictured) assumed their duties. They are Marvin Chance & Lynn Schmitt (3 year term), Roy Arnold & Robert Hutton (2 year term), Patsy Guinn & Jimmy Hampton (1 year term).

The Early Risers Kiwanis Club meets every Thursday morning at 6:30 am at the Pancake House for their regular meetings. The club focuses it’s efforts on improving the lives of and providing guidance to children in the community. Projects include Coats for Kids program, Bringing Up Grades (BUGS) program, US Flag project, annual scholarships to graduating seniors and assisting with the annual International Pancake Races and children’s races. Members work year round in community service and fund raising efforts to support these programs.

Anyone interested in joining and participating in these rewarding projects to benefit the children of the community can contact any Kiwanis member for more information. Or simply attend a meeting where all are welcome.