At 12:49 am this morning, Liberal firefighters were called to the scene of a commercial structure fire at 720 W. Pine St.
The first fire units arrived on scene at 12:53 am to find heavy smoke issuing from the eaves and a window on the west side of the building. Firefighters were able to darken the fire down through the broken window until forcible entry to the business could be accomplished to access the main body of the fire. The fire was declared under control at 1:31 am with a total of 18 firefighters and two engines battling the blaze. Also assisting at the scene were the Liberal Police Department and Seward County EMS personnel.
The fire was contained mainly to the business office however two adjoining offices and storage room suffered extensive smoke, heat and water damage. The shop area of the building was heavily charged with smoke, but was spared from significant damage. Liberal Fire investigators remained on scene until 3:47 am attempting to determine the cause and origin of the fire. The fire is believed to be accidental and is most likely electrical in nature. The exact source of ignition has yet to be determined. All units and personnel were fully in service from the fire at 4:30 am.