Russell Hasenbank Gets County Attorney Nod

The Seward County Republican party Precinct Committee Men and Women met Tuesday evening to make a recommendation to Gov. Sam Brownbacks office to replace retiring Seward County Attorney Don Scott whose last day will be September 30, 2014. Two applicants applied for the future vacancy, Melissa Johnson, who currently is the Assitant County Attorney, and Russell Hasenbank, who previously was also the Assistant County Attorney, but has since gone into private practice.

Both applicants were given a 5 minute open for remarks, took questions from the audience, then were given a 2 1/2 minute close. All 28 Precinct Committee members were in attendance and submitted a secret written ballot. In the end it was announced by Republican Party Chairman,Joe Denoyer, that Russell Hasenbanks name would be forwarded to the Governors office for final approval. The final vote was 24-4 for Hasenbank. If approved by the Governor, Hasenbank will take office September 30th and will fill the unexpired term which ends in 2016.