SCCC/ATS Offers “Workplace Etiquette” Seminars

Two of the basics in a business are learning proper business telephone and email etiquette. Telephone calls and emails are part of everyday work. These are necessary tools, which in most business is the first point of contact with customers. It can either make or break a business transaction.

Join Seward County Community College/Area Technical School and the Liberal Chamber of Commerce in a one hour seminar on telephone etiquette and a one hour seminar on email etiquette in September. In Workplace Etiquette, office professionals will learn customer service and workplace etiquette skills in the form of telephone etiquette (Part 1) and "Netiquette" (Email and Internet Part 2) in order to better help clientele at work. Cost of the seminar is $15 each or $25 for both.
These seminars are a GREAT way to enhance your office communication skills. For more information, Call today! 620-417-1170 or email b&[email protected].