Republican Party Precinct Committee Men and Women met Monday evening at 6:00 at the Seward County Commission Chambers to seek a nomination for Seward County Treasurer to fill the vacancy that was left when Sherry Wilson, Republican, retired effective July 1st, 2014. Deputy Katherine "Kitty" Romine submitted her resume, and made a brief presentation to the Precinct Commitee’s after a couple of questions were asked of Kitty, Ada Linenbroker made a motion to submit her name to the Governor’s Office for consideration for the position, the motion was seconded by Gary Sallaska, and after a private ballot vote, Kitty Romine’s name was unanimously selected for submission.
All the proper paperwork will be sent to Governor Brownback’s office and the will consider the submission of Kitty Romine to fill the unexpired term, and will notify the Seward County Republican party. Romine is currently serving as interim Seward County Treasurer.