Kids College Being Offered At SCCC/ATS

The office of Business & Industry at Seward County Community College/ATS is again offering Kids College this summer. Class times are 8:00 am – 10:00 am and 10:15 am – 12:15 pm, Monday through Thursday. Classes are for kids entering grades 1-7. Examples of classes include Cheerleading, Beginning and Intermediate Swimming, Fun with Hip Hop, Intro to Robotics, food and craft classes, Simple Ceramics, Digital Photography, Dog Training & Care, Indoor Sports, NASCAR Soap Box Derby Cars, Challenge Course, and Archery. The cost per class is $25.00, and class size is limited. The NASCAR Soap Box Derby class has a fee of $50.

To register or for more information contact Lori Clay or Reenie Jackson at 620-417-1170.