Guymon Man Receives Judicial Appointment

Gov. Mary Fallin has made judicial appointments in three counties in Oklahoma.

Fallin announced Friday that she has named Jon Parsley as Texas County district judge, Emmit Tayloe as Comanche County district judge and Billy Baze as Choctaw County associate district judge.

All three begin service immediately. Parsley and Tayloe succeed judges who have retired. Baze is filling a position left by the death of James Wolfe.

Parsley, of Guymon, has been in private practice since 2003, while Tayloe, of Lawton, has been in private practice since 1986. Tayloe served previously as an assistant district attorney in Comanche County from 1982 to 1986.

Baze, of Hugo, previously served as the assistant district attorney in Choctaw County and as an appellate attorney for the Oklahoma Indigent Defense System.