They’ve been doing this successfully for the last 77 years; obviously they m ust be doing so m ething right. After all, it is the oldest Groundhog Supper in the Tri-State region.
As might expect, there have been so m e changes over those 77 years. The m en of the church no l o nger m eet to butcher ho g s at Louis R app’s, John Kerr’s o r Charlie Butler’s place. The m en still gather , but the b utcherin’s already done. The end result, and that is the m ost important part, is still t h e same; Great food, great fellowship and support of a worthy cause.
It’s been going on so long no one even re m e m be r s when it started. Long ti m e church m e mber, Etoile W itt always said, “I ca m e here in ’42 j u st a f ter the d ust settled from the Dust Bowl a nd it was g o ing on then.” P astor Les Bussell said, “The only thing we’re c er t ain abo u t is it s t a r t e d so m eti m e after the flood…. Noah’s Flood, that is.”
With changes to the local economy, fewer m en of the church are able to sp e nd consecutive days butchering hogs and processing m eat. I doubt the political correctness of our day and age m i ght not even allow it anymore. Rest assured however, the sausage patties a r e still hand seasoned, hand patted and the links stuffed with the old hand-powered stuffer.
Few events these days w ould have a “Gravy Committee.” Hooker Groundhog does and Gravy Chair m an Rick Wayman is experienced and rightly proud of his ho m e m ade gravy; Ruthie Boyles heads up “Biscuits,” another of the many ho m e m ade products. With years of experience, Loren R app m anag e s the “Liver & Onions,” gang.
This year’s event will be Sunday January 26, 2013 from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Hooker Methodist C hurch. Groundhog Chair m an John La m bley wants you to co m e out and enjoy the f ood and fellow s hip while knowing the cost of your meal funds many of the worthy causes the Methodist Men support. Those causes include local m i ssions, boy’s ranch, scholarships, children’s ho m es, etc.
So what do you like best? Is it Loren’s li v er and onions, m aybe Zella Martens’ m ashed potatoes with sausage gravy? How about Bar b ara Seawright’s sauerkraut and ribs, or m aybe it’s one (or two or more) of Ruthie’s ho m e m ade biscuits? Everyone l i kes the sausage, both patty or link and there’s always the f a m ous applesauce?
For local Hooker deliveries, p l ease call 580-652-2920 by 4:30 p. m .
With any questions, contact the church at the above number, email John Lambley, Chairman at [email protected], or reply to this email.