A Three Vehicle Crash Lands A Liberal Man In A Wichita Hospital

A three vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon has sent a Liberal man to a Wichita hospital. At approximately 1:12pm Tuesday, a 2007 Dodge Charger being driven by Marty Aragon, 65, was travelling westbound on National Drive when he failed to stop at a stop sign at the US 83 intersection and struck the passenger side of a 2012 Ford being driven by David Hayes, 53, of Fowler Kansas who was southbound on US 83. Fowlers vehicle then struck the rear axles of a 2006 Peterbilt semi driven by William Anthony Kniest, 54, of Booker Oklahoma, Aragons vehicle spun 180 degrees after striking Hayes’ vehicle, when the semi then struck the passenger side of Aragons vehicle. Aragon was life flighted to Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Hayes was taken to Southwest Medical Center to be treated for his injuries, Kniest was not hurt. Seatbelts were in use by Hayes and Kniest, it is unkown if Aragon was wearing his. Highway 83 from Pancake Boulevard to 15th Street were closed for a little over 3 hours due to the accident.