A Bazaar End of the Week in Liberal

Bazaar Day in Liberal if Friday and Saturday and the Liberal Chamber of Commerce executive director Rozelle Webb says be ready early Friday morning.

"We some exciting Bazaar Day news. The businesses will be opening at 6 a.m. on Friday and close at regular hours and then all day Saturday during business hours and there are 26 participating businesses all over town."

There will be eight 100 dollar gift certificate winner announced on Saturday. You can register at the 26 businesses.

Sign up at these businesses:
Brown’s Shoe Fit——–Brown’s Furniture Downtown
Buckle———————Burlap & Blossoms
Catos———————Collins Diamonds
Crazy House————-Circle D Appliance
El Kan Drug————–Fashion Tree Boutique
Flower Basket———–Flooring America & Furniture Outlet
Maurices——————Flowers by Girlfriends
Penneys——————Mema’s Furniture
Sears———————-Scout & Outdoor Shop
Sisters——————–Southwest Glass & Door
Spalon——————–United Wireless
Stage———————Westlake Hardware
Tan It———————Yippee Yi Yea