Low Income Energy Assistance Now Available

TOPEKA – Kansans with low income will have a little extra help paying their utility bills this summer, thanks to the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP).

“ The summer heat can take a dangerous toll on our most vulnerable populations,” said DCF Secretary Phyllis Gilmore said. “This extra assistance will help keep Kansans safe from extreme heat.”

LIEAP provides an annual benefit to help qualifying households pay winter heating bills. Persons with disabilities, older adults and families with children are the primary groups assisted. In the winter of 2013, nearly 48,000 households received an average benefit of $386.

This year, funding is available to provide an additional benefit to those households for energy costs. This is not a new application period . Households that applied and received a benefit during the regular application period will automatically be issued a supplemental benefit of approximately $103, bringing the average benefit for the year to almost $490. The supplemental funds are in the process of being dispersed.

Funding for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program is provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Community Service through the Federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.