Kansas Farmers Plant Fewer Corn, Soybean Acres

A new report says Kansas farmers planted fewer acres of corn and soybeans and more acres of sorghum this spring than in 2012.

The National Agricultural Statistics Service reported Friday that corn growers planted 4.5 million acres this spring, down 4 percent from last year. Genetically engineered varieties were used on 91 percent of the acreage, up a percentage point from last year.

Soybean plantings in Kansas were down 1 percent to 3.95 million acres with biotech varieties used on 93 percent of it.

Sorghum growers planted 12 percent more this year with 2.8 million acres.

Wheat seeded last fall totaled 9.4 million acres, but so many of those drought-stricken acres have been abandoned that just 8.2 million acres are expected to be harvested.