City Commission Approves Application For Grant

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday night at the commission chambers for their regularly scheduled meeting. At the meeting City Commissioners approved Resolution 2053 which gives Housing Director Karen Lafreniere the authority to apply for a Community Development Block Grant for the city. This grant would be a 50/50 match grant with the funds to build a community building in Mahuron Park. The commission also approved the repair of a Clarifier for the Waste Water Treatment Plant, and accepted the offer from Conestoga to pay for the repair of the Arkalon wells. Conestoga will pay $70,000 for the repairs to well 103, as well as the Henkle Drilling bill of $18,516, to be amortized over 12 months. City Commissioners tabled the Airport Leases with Lyddon Areo Center in favor of a work session/special meeting, and approved an FAA Grant which will cover 95% of the striping of the airport runways. In other action items, commissioners appointed Don Hill and Olga Cisneros to the Liberal Memorial Library Board, Tommy Williiams to the Liberal Housing Authority Board, and Kathy Keeton and Sanat Bhatka to the Convention and Visitors Bureau. The next meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be June 23, 2009.