The Time Is Hereź??Time To Get Rid Of Road O And Road 0!

Rural Seward County residents will soon receive a packet containing a new 911 address card and a road map showing road name changes. Residents can expect to see changing road signs and residential address signage posted along with the new addressing system. The Seward County Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Department has coordinated with several entities including the United States Postal Service (USPS) and 911 Communications which handles emergency services calls; both USPS and Communications will have the new address information and begin the conversion at the same time residents do.

The GIS Department will begin issuing packets containing your new 911 address card on June 01, 2009. It is important that you start using your new 911 address immediately.

911 addresses are a physical locator and should be used for a number of reasons including 911 emergency calls, utility companies and package and mail delivery.

Residents currently receiving mail at a Post Office box can continue to do so, however, the new 911 address must be used any time a physical location is required. If you currently use Route and Box Number or a previously issued 911 address to receive mail, you must replace those with the newly issued 911 address.

The new 911 addresses are a coordinated effort between several entities including Seward County officials, 911 Communications and the Liberal Postmaster. It is important that you begin using your new 911 address immediately to ensure emergency responders can locate you in the event of an emergency. The Liberal Postmaster will issue a letter to rural residents in support of the new 911 addressing system.

If you donź??t receive a packet either by mail or hand delivery by June 30, 2009, please contact the GIS Department to get your new 911 address. You can call Lisa Olson, GIS Coordinator at 620.626.3332 or by email [email protected] or stop by the Seward County Administration Building at 515 N Washington Ave Ste 106 in Liberal.