The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting and before the action items on the agenda, in Items From Groups, Al Shank of Al Shank Insurance on behalf of Employers Mutual Company, presented the City with a Dividend check in the mount of $33,803.41. This makes the eighth time in the past nine years that the City has received a dividend from EMC, bringing the total to $393,693.07. In items for action, the commission rescinded Resolution # 2169 the Condemnation of a Structure at 335 S. Virginia. The Resolution was rescinded due to a fire to the structure, and an emergency, immediate tear down of the structure was ordered. The Commission also reappointed to the Arkalon Council Board, Bill Harrison, and Charles Chain to 4 year terms, and appointed Pete Olson to his first 4 year term on the Board. The Commission also heard from Human Resource Director Sheena Schmutz, on summer employment opportunities for the youth of Liberal. The next regular meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be May 14th.