Liberal City Commission Meets, Closes Out 2012

The Liberal City Commission met Wednesday evening at 6:30pm to wrap up 2012. On the agenda were several "housekeeping" items to bring the 2012 budget to a close. The commission approved Amending the 2012 Fiscal Year Budget Appropriations for the Employee Benefits Fund and Debt Service Fund, approved the Fiscal Year 2012 Transfers, and approved the Reclassification of Delinquent Accounts Receivable and Utility Accounts. Also on the agenda was a Franchise agreement with United Wireless Communications, Inc. This item was tabled pending further review and discussion between legal counsel for the City and United Wireless, to ensure all the proper wording and items agreed upon are entered into the Ordinance. This will be back before the Commission as soon as the Attorneys can meet to discuss the Commissions concerns. It was announced at the meeting, that the Annual State of the City Address is tentatively scheduled for February 7th.