Man Makes Terroristic Threat To Perryton Schools

A Perryton man was arrested Tuesday after making threats that he would make Sandy Hook look small, according to the police

Dustin M. Mack, 30, was arrested and charged on Tuesday evening with Terroristic Threat, police said

Perryton Police Chief Tony Hill said his department received a report from a Lampasas, Texas, resident on Tuesday at about 3:50 p.m. The caller said her son, who was a Perryton resident, called her and threatened to "commit an offense similar to the recent incident in Newtown, Conn., and the incident that occurred several months ago at a movie theater in Denver, Colo."

The callers’s son, Mack, also said, according to police, that "those incidents would look small compared to what he planned to do in Perryton."

Hill said all officers of the Perryton Police Department were immediately called in and officials from Perryton ISD were notified. The school district implemented its safety plans for all campuses, Hill said.

Mack was arrested at about 5:50 p.m., and was booked into the Ochiltree County Jail.

"In the coming days we’ll be working with the school district and the county attorneys to build the rest of the case in this situation," Hill said.

Police said threats like these are not taken lightly.

"We take these threats very seriously," Hill said. "This used to not be a real high priority but now any mention of something like this has everyone’s attention."

Bond for Mack has not yet been set.