The Guymon Police Department will be joining forces with agencies throughout the United States to take part in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations ź??Click It or Ticketź?ť campaign.
For anyone who complains about getting a ticket for not buckling up when driving or riding in a motor vehicle, here is a crash course in reality from the NHTSA:
41,059 people were killed on America’s roadways in 2007
Over 14,000 passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2007 were not wearing their seat belts at the time of the fatal crash
In 2007, nearly 2.5 million people were injured in crashes
Motor vehicle crashes cost the U.S. economy an estimated $230.6 billion every single year
Chief of Police Eddie Adamson commented on those numbers from NHTSA, ź??While those may sound like just statistics, the Guymon Police Department knows from personal experience that those numbers are the actual faces of mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles and friends right here in Guymon and the panhandle. We tell too many families about losses that may have been prevented had a loved one only worn a seat belt.ź?ť
Chief Adamson also commented on the reason behind their participation in this national effort, ź??This goes to the heart of the Guymon Police Department’s mission to protect the public. That is why we have joined with thousands of other state and local law enforcement and highway safety agencies nationwide to announce support for the 2009 national Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement mobilizationź?ť
The Guymon Police Department will be focusing not only on the seatbelt usage of drivers but also on other safety hazards such as speeding and DUIź??s. Safety checkpoints are planned for various locations in Guymon this weekend and Memorial Day as well as traditional patrol efforts.