USD 480 School Board Gives Classified Workers and Administration Pay Raise

The USD 480 Board of Education had a long list of items last night during a regularly scheduled meeting at the Education Service Center. Miss Liberal, Elizabeth Rohloff made a presentation to the board about her platform of music advocacy.

After nearly an hour in executive session the board voted to approve a pay raise of fifty cents per hour for classified employees. The board also set the pay for principals and administration including a 3% pay raise for Superintendent Vernon Welch, Assistant Superintendent Lance Stout, and other administrators at Central Office and throughout the district including a select group of principals.

The board also approved 15 other action items on the agenda. They included changes for the student handbook, PACT Annual Contracts, school supplies, two software programs, instructional coaches laptops, gym floor refinishing, West Middle School roof renovation, a carpet replacement bid, RTU units for Liberal High School, board meeting date change, certified retirements, and resignations, the transfer of certified employees, certified employment, and classified employment, resignations, and transfers.

Stay tuned to KSCB news this week for more information on last night’s meeting.