Liberal Police Department Reminds Motorists School Is In Session

August 15th, 2012 marks the first day of the 2012-2013 school year. The Liberal Police Department would like to remind the motoring public to be extra vigilant when driving, especially in school zones and residential areas. The Liberal Police Department will be aggressively enforcing all traffic laws in and around the school zones to protect the safety of our youth.

With the start of the new school year the children will be excited to get to their new schools and see their friends. As drivers of motor vehicles it is our responsibility to pay attention for these youngsters, which may not be paying attention for themselves.

The speed limit for the school zones is 20 MPH. All school zones are properly signed with many of them having flashing signs to remind drivers to slow down. Remember that fines are doubled in school zones if a citation is issued for any moving traffic violation.

In addition to protecting our children walking to school, remember to protect yourself by wearing your seatbelt and making sure that your children are doing the same. If you are caught not wearing your seatbelt or not buckling in your children, you will receive a citation. For more information on this topic, contact the Liberal Police Department at 620-626-0141.