Organizers Aim to Make Texas County Fair Easier to Enter

There’s a lot of folks asking, “how do I enter the fair?” The how-to has not been discussed in awhile, so fair grounds manager Rocky Richardson thought it was time to explain. And he cites Dianna Jenkins, Texas County Extension office for his reference. Jenkins has a fair amount of people inquiring.

“ People are asking us: do I need one of these sheets for each item? And I tell them, you have look at departments, read the instructions, there is a section and class,” says Jenkins. “I can’t tell you which class or section to put an item in, you need to call the fair, read the instructions. See what’s expected in the categories, or get hold of the fair office or the department superintendents,” instructs Jenkins.

Jenkins further explains If you have an item and are not sure, you can bring it the day before the fair, August 7 th (entry day) and ask the superintendent. Yes- you can show up with your item and find out where it fits in. It’s very important that you read instructions with each department. Take note of the correct quantity, i.e. vegetables, baked goods- needs 6 cookies on the plate plus a recipe. If you don’t have it you’ll be disqualified.

Dianna says she enters for the fun of entering. “A couple of friends and I get together and decide what we’re going to enter and have a competition among ourselves. It’s fun to go see what our neighbors, friends and their children have entered,” says Jenkins.

You may like to know you not only receive ribbons, but checks for some winning entries. The fair office is located at 5 th and Sunset in Guymon, and you can reach them at 580 338 5446. Books are also available at Epic PCS inside Northridge Shopping Center, and online at There’s an entry form at the website. The 95 th annual Panhandle Exposition is set for August 8 th through 11 th at the Texas County Fairgrounds.