SCCC/ATS Trustees Meet, Adopt Budget

The Seward County Community College/Board of Trustees met Monday, July 16 to approve the fiscal year 2013 budget for publication.
Dennis Sander, dean of finance and operations, presented three budget options to the board. Trustee Dustin Ormiston explained that the college lost two mills last year due to decreased valuation that it can�??t recover. The board also discussed that there could be an additional loss from the county revenues due to a decision by the Kansas Board of Tax Appeals resulting in an estimated loss of $300,000 in college allocation.
The proposed mill levy is still below what the college�??s mill levy was in 2003 while college operations have continued to grow. In 2008, the college assumed the operational costs of the area technical school, and total enrollment in the college has grown continuously for the past four years.
The board opted to raise the mill levy 1.67 to offset the loss of funds from the county for refunds on personal property due to the decision of the Board of Tax Appeals.
The board elected Ron Oliver as board chair; Marvin Chance Jr., vice chair; Dr. Duane Dunn, board clerk/secretary; Tina Call, college treasurer; and Mike Brond, vice treasurer. Committee representatives include Ron Oliver, Association of Community College Trustees representative; John Engel, Alumni Association; Rick Brenneman, AQIP Steering Team; Ron Oliver and Chance, board policy, along with Deb Weilert, human resources director, and legal counsel; Chance and Dustin Ormiston, budget/finance; John Engel, Foundation representative; Sharon Hobble, alternate Foundation representative; Sharon Hobble and Dustin Ormiston, insurance committee; Chance and Hobble, interim board; Chance, KACCT representative with Engel and Brenneman as alternates; and Oliver, Seward County Council of Governments, with Ormiston as alternate.
Dr. Duane Dunn, president, informed the Board that the college has been selected as second round finalist in the Aspen Institute Prize for Community College Excellence. SCCC/ATS had been selected in the top 10% of all community colleges in the United States and has now been selected for consideration in the second round of the selection process. The Aspen Institute recognizes colleges for effectiveness, efficiencies, student success in employment and transfer, attainment of goals, and achievement of improvement practices. The second round selection will involve 45 of the over 1200 community colleges in the nation. Dr. Dunn expressed his appreciation to the Board, employees, and community for the successes which have led to SCCC/ATS being selected as one of the 45 colleges for consideration of the Aspen Institute award.
Dr. Dunn also explained that the college was participating in an interest study conducted by the Docking Institute of Fort Hays State University. The survey and analysis is designed to determine the interest and viability of establishing a bachelor�??s degree completion program in southwest Kansas. The study includes Garden City Community College and Dodge City Community College and FHSU will be contacting recent graduates of the three southwest Kansas community colleges to determine if sufficient interest and commitment will justify introduction of bachelor�??s degree programs.
In other action, the board
1. Hired Caitlin Demarest as assistant women�??s basketball coach and Jacy Sautter as director of the Student Living Center;
2. Accepted the resignation of Pamela Freeman, director of the Student Living Center, and Valerie Martin, Student Support Services Academic and Career Advisor;
3. Approved changes to board policy #114 regarding Nondiscrimination/Appointment of Compliance Officer;
4. Approved an agreement to employ McQueen and Associates as board attorney with the same monthly retainer of $1,875 and no change in hourly fees;
5. Approved the �??High Plains Daily Leader & Times�?� as the college�??s legal publication; and
6. Accepted the low bid in the amount of $5,375 from Scantlin�??s Furniture for carpet in the math lab utilizing funds from the STEM grant.
The next Kids College is July 23-26. The board will meet Monday, Aug. 6.
Fall classes begin Aug. 13-14.