The combination of experience and new ideas has proven to be the catalyst to revive excitement for the Five State Fair in Liberal for 2012. The Five State Fair Association Board is working diligently to make this year�??s event one to remember.
�??We have so many things to offer this year �?? it is really exciting,�?� said new board member Nancy Kletecka. �??This year�??s events include the United Wireless BBQ, Extreme Midget Wrestling Federation, a Mutton Bustin�?? for the kids, Fiesta Days and so much more.�?�
Vendor participants are also up.
�??Last year we had less than 20 vendors at the fair,�?� Kletecka said. �??We are proud to announce that this year we have almost 50 already, with more expressing interest in being a part of the festivities.�?�
Kletecka was quick to point out that the leaps and bounds would not have been possible without the joint efforts of many.
�??The Fair Board Association board and members, our sponsors, trophy auction supporters �?? it just would not happen without all working together,�?� she said.
In the activity center, there will be vendors from the local area as well as some from Colorado, Texas and other communities in Kansas.
�??There will be a wide variety of wares that these vendors will have in their booths,�?� Kletecka said. �??And thanks to Epic Touch we have added another draw for fair goers �?? Epic Blackout bingo.�?�
According to Kletecka there will be a bingo blackout game each day that the vendors are set up, August 3-5 with a $100 prize for each game.
Sponsors who have worked to make this year�??s event the success it is quickly becoming include: First National Bank, Farm Credit, United Wireless, Leader & Times, KSCB, KKBS, Standard Supply, Keating Tractor and Equipment, Liberal New Iron and Metal, Southwest Medical Center, National Beef, La Canasta Meat Market, Starlight Liquor and Vallarta Restaurant.
The fair would also not be possible without the many trophy auction sponsors whose generosity makes it possible for the young people to show their animals each year. Those sponsors so far include: Crazy House, Farm Credit, Community Bank, Perryton Equity Exchange, Stucky Farms, Williams Lambs, Conestoga Energy Partners, Circle D. Appliances, Scantlin�??s Furniture, Hooker Equity Exchange, Myriad Machine, Squeaky Clean Car Wash, Eisenhauer Farms, First National Bank, Byron Bird & Associates, Edward Jones/Greg Bird, Keating Tractor and Equipment, Dermatology Laser Center, Rawhide Well Service, Heritage Real Estate, Sarah Miller, CPA, Liberal Animal Hospital, Southwest Glass and Door, Schilens Oil Inc., High Plains Pizza, Stu Emmert Automotive and Brandon Utz.
If you are interested in being a sponsor or a vendor for this year�??s event, contact Kletecka at 806-339-2737.