Today, Tim Huelskamp filed for re-election to Congress in the Big First District of Kansas. Huelskamp submitted the necessary paperwork with the Kansas Secretary of State in Topeka .
“As I have traveled across the Big First conducting 126 town hall meetings, I have heard time and again from Kansans who are tired of out-of-control spending, borrowing and overregulation and Washington’s unwillingness to tackle these problems. The consequences for future generations of Americans could be catastrophic,” Huelskamp said.
“Each week I return home to my wife and four young children in Kansas . I fear that Washington is mortgaging our future by spending money we do not have on programs that often do not work. Instead of looking out for the good of all Americans, far too often the system works for the benefit of Washington politicians and bureaucrats,” said Huelskamp.
Huelskamp has done exactly as he promised he would do when voters elected him to Congress. He has led by example on the issue of spending, returning to the U.S. Treasury 10 percent of his annual office budget. And Huelskamp has been a tireless advocate for the repeal of ObamaCare.
In addition, Huelskamp noted that he earned the Defender of Economic Freedom award from the Club for Growth for his 100% voting record on economic growth issues, and reported that Americans for Prosperity also recognized Huelskamp’s leadership on fiscal issues, scoring him with an A+ rating on its 2011 scorecard.
“We have been successful in stopping burdensome regulations, like the Department of Labor rule that would have prevented farm kids from working on the family farm. But every day the threat of red tape from Washington worsens. I will continue to lead the fight against overregulation from Washington,” said Huelskamp.
Huelskamp spoke of being one of 20 farmers in the U.S. Congress and the role he has played to educate his colleagues about agricultural and rural issues. Huelskamp recently hosted an official House Agriculture Committee Field Hearing in Dodge City , Kan. and has been a leading voice for Kansas agriculture as Congress works on the 2012 Farm Bill.
Huelskamp also noted that he believes a strong economy depends on reliable and affordable energy. “When Washington gets in the way of Kansas energy producers and consumers, it hurts our economy and increases the price that we pay for energy. I will continue to fight against excessive overregulation from the EPA that hampers energy exploration and production,” said Huelskamp.
“I am optimistic that conservatives will turn things around and force the federal government to live within its means. That’s exactly the value Kansas families live by every day,” Huelskamp concluded.
Huelskamp looks forward to visiting with Kansans in the months ahead as he continues to travel the state sharing his vision. Kansans can find more information about Congressman Huelskamp at
Huelskamp is a Republican from Fowler, Kan. He represents the First Congressional District of Kansas (also known as the “Big First”). He serves on the Agriculture, Budget and Veterans’ Affairs Committees, and he is a leading member of the freshman class of 2010. Every week, Tim returns to Kansas where he lives with his wife, Angela, and four adopted children.