Sublette Councilman Recalled 299-84

Sublette City Councilman Chester Mayhew won’t finish the remaining three years of his four-year term after voters voted 299-84 to recall him.

There were four provisional ballots in Tuesday’s special election, and canvassing was held on Thursday, according to the Haskell County Clerk’s office.

Mayhew was elected after receiving 18 write-in votes, and his term was scheduled to run until spring 2015. However, a citizens’ recall petition forced the special election.

The recall petition listed various grounds for recall, including not meeting residency qualifications required for the city council; listing Mayhew’s residency as Shell Knob, Mo.; and missing two rescheduled council meetings in September 2011 despite being observed in town and assuring the council he would attend.

“Mayhew has failed to perform his duties as city councilman as prescribed by law by willfully, deliberately and intentionally missing scheduled city council meetings in order to preclude a quorum vote,” the recall petition stated.

According to staff at Sublette City Hall, council vacancies are filled by mayoral appointment and council approval. The Sublette City Council’s next meeting is scheduled for June 4.

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