Brent Evans Presented Award for Helping Save Liberal School District $477,615

Brent Evans who is a fifth grade teacher at Cottonwood Intermediate School in Liberal is also employed by the district in the Energy Educaton program to help save money with his energy expertise. Evans was presented with an award Monday night by Karen Mullins who is the vice president of Energy Education’s Midwest Division that was entitled Award For Energy Stewardship.

Evans first began working to save the district money in April of 2007. Through March of this year he has helped save the district $477,615. That equates to $19,900 per month. One of the big money savers is over Spring Break when all heat/air is put in “unoccupied” mode and when everything possible can be unplugged such as milk coolers in every school, vending machines, personal items in every room, water fountains, and consolidating as much as possible in the Liberal High School cafeteria.

Two people who Evans says does a lot to help with the heat and air controls are Enoc Valenzuela and Albert Sandoval. Dwight Doud helps make sure that happens. Connie Vogts is in charge of making sure the kitchens are emptied out and unplugged.

Paul Maes who is the head custodian helps save the district as well by helping organize team cleaning in the summer. During June and July of 2007-08 $111,944 was saved by the team cleaning.

Evans says he first became involved in this extra job because he found it intriguing. He says the job is great for him because it is so worthwhile and the hours are extremely flexible. He tries to visit each school at least once a week during unoccupied times.