USD 480 School Board Tables Televising Board Meetings

The USD 480 School board met Monday night at the Education Service Center for a regularly scheduled meeting. The hot topic of the meeting was the discussion of possibly televising board meetings live on the school channel. There were three proposals for televising the meetings. After some discussion board member Bob Maier made a motion to table the action item until July so the new board members who take office then will have a say in it since they will be affected by it. The board voted 5-0 to table the item until the first meeting in July. Dr. Jim Jury and Stacy Johnson were absent from the meeting. Cliff Abbott participated in the meeting via speakerphone as he was not in town. In other items on the agenda the board agreed to a capital lease with Saulsbury Hill Financial out of Denver, Colorado to finance the renovations at Redskin Field. The lease will be for eight years with a fixed interest rate of 5.32%. The vote was 4-1 with Cheryl Louderback opposing. The AVID classes from different Liberal schools were also in attendance and made presentations to the board. One student mentioned that his GPA is now at a 4.0. The students received ovations from the board, administration, and audience in attendance. Brent Evans was also presented an award for his service to helping the district save money in the energy department. Evans has helped save the district up to $20,000 a month. Stay tuned to news tomorrow for more information on Evan’s award.