Sandra Borth, the community director with the Reno County Communities that Care, worked with six Liberal residents this week to train them in the Strengthening Families Program so that the parenting class could be offered locally. Working with her was Carla Smith, Communities that Care program coordinator. “We’re excited that we are now going to be able to offer this parenting class in Liberal,” said Sarah Foreman, executive director of the Liberal Area Coalition for Families. The Strengthening Families Program is geared to children ages nine to 14 who participate in the class with the parents. “Thanks to a grant from the Kansas Family Partnership, we’re able to offer this class free to the families,” said Foreman. The class will start Tuesday, April 17, and will meet weekly on Tuesdays for seven weeks. The class time is 5:30 to 8 p.m. and a meal is provided as well as childcare for younger children. For more information about the class and how to register, contact Foreman at 620-655-7177 or email [email protected] .