Liberal City Commission Meets, Swears In Dave Harrison

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for their regularly Scheduled meeting. After the meeting was called to order, Dave Harrison, who was selected unanimously by the Commission on Thursday to fill the vacant position on the Commission, was sworn in. On the agenda, the Commission moved to a second reading, Ordinance 4403 Authorizing Lease Purchase Financing for the Water Meter Project, and heard a Presentation from Human Resource Director, Sheena Schmutz, on the results of the Employee Survey. Police Chief Al Sill also informed the Commissioners of the Departments organizational structure, and introduce Officers who recently received promotions. Being promoted to Lieutentant was Robert Rogers and John McCord. Also Officers Franka Jiminez and Dallas Ryan were promoted to the rank of Sargeant. The commission also voted to move the second meeting in March from Tuesday the 27th to Wednesday the 28th due to members of the Commission and staff being part of the Western Kansas Delegation to Washington DC. The next regular meeting of the Liberal City Commission is set for March 13th.