Texas County Commission Renews Burn Ban

Continued dry conditions throughout February prompted the Texas County Board of County Commissioners to renew the burn ban, which has been in effect since early last year, with the exception of January.
The burn ban resolution states that it’s illegal to set fire to any forest, grass, range, crop or other wild lands, or to build a campfire or bonfire. It’s also unlawful to burn trash or other material that might cause a wild land fire.
Exceptions include fires for equipment related to road construction. Equipment that uses propane or other controlled-type burners is generally regarded as safe, but should be monitored and have a water pumper nearby.
welding, cutting torch or grinding activities are safe when conducted over non-combustible surfaces, when proper safety equipment is on hand and when winds are less than 20 mph.
LPG and natural gas grills and charcoal grilling outside in a receptacle is permitted as long as it’s done over non-combustible surfaces at least five feet from flammable vegetation.
The penalty is up to a year in jail and/or a $500 fine.