Pancake Day Committee Announces Parade Winners

Peoples Choice Award:
LHS "That Liberal Band" under the direction of Lance Burnette

1st place- Dodge City Drovers
2nd place- Zac’s Cheese

Antique Auto:
1st place- Tom Shoemaker ’51 Ford
2nd place- Steve & Kim Chacoupek ’57 T-Bird
3rd place- Aaron Epp ’62 Corvette

Non Profit:
1st place- LEAD
2nd place- Mid America Air Museum
3rd place- Big Brothers Big Sisters

1st place- SCCC/ATS
2nd place- Mariposa Polo Team

Antique Equipment:
1st place- Eugene & Bonita Harke & their replica ’66 IHC tractor & ’74 C210 Tractor
2nd place- Southwest Shrine Club Fire Truck