The American Legion is gearing up to sponsor several area youth for the Girls and Boys State.
American Legion Auxiliary Girls State is a nonpartisan program that teaches young women responsible citizenship and love for God and Country. Since the inception of the Girls State program in 1937, nearly one million young people have had the opportunity to learn first-hand how their state and local government works.
High school girls, who have completed their Junior year, spend an intensive week of study, working together as self-governing citizens at Auxiliary-sponsored Girls State program. In most cases, expenses associated with attending this program are paid by a sponsoring American Legion Post, a local business or another community-based organization.
The program is a weeklong immersive learning experience held on a college campus where girls live in “cities” within the dormitory. The learning, experience, memories, and friendships last a lifetime.
American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high-school students. Boys State is NOT a leadership seminar although delegates have an excellent opportunity to lead during the week. It is NOT a sports camp but delegates do have the chance to compete athletically with many of Oklahoma’s premier athletes during recreation periods.
It is NOT a government course, even though instruction in state and local government is provided for college credit if the delegate chooses. Boys State is NOT a military or religious training, but the subjects of patriotism and faith are an important, integral part of the Boys State Experience.
What then is Boys State?
It is none of the above because it is all of the above.
The delegate will not only learn how the American System of Government and politics works theoretically, but also in a hands-on laboratory setting.
At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county and state governments.
Operated by students elected to various offices, Boys State activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, choruses and recreational programs.
Boys State is organized into three distinct political units. All delegates are members of the first unit called a city. It consists of a dormitory floor housing about 60 delegates. This group selects a mayor and city council which then appoints various city officials. There are three dorm floors (cities) in each dormitory building which constitutes a county. Although there are elected county officials, there is very little done in at county level government.
The four dormitories (counties) constitute Boys State. In order to insure that each delegate has a complete legislative experience, each dormitory (county) has a complete legislature of house and senate. Delegates are randomly assigned to a political party (boomer or sooner) and to a legislature (representative or senator). After elections, delegates either remain in the legislature or move to their newly elected positions.
The members of the executive branch have their location and the members of the judicial branch have theirs.
Boys State is made up of delegates who represent a local American Legion Post. These posts sponsor delegates from their service area and may include delegates from a number of schools.
For more infor mation Contact Willie Mae Eagan at 620-624-2964 or John Mulhern at 620-624-3891