The Baker Arts Center needs a new director. Adriane Hatcher stepped down from that position earlier this month. The Baker’s Toni Smith says she will be missed.
“I’m very sad,” Smith said. “I know a lot of us are sad to hear that Adrienne is moving on. She was a wonderful director. She was fun and energetic. She will be missed at the center. The board will be putting out for applications and interviews for people who would be interested in being a director for the Baker Arts Center .”
Smith says membership at the art center is down slightly this year but the French Market and Night of Lights were again very successful this fall. If you want to become a member of the Baker Art Center call 624-2810 or stop by the Baker at 624 North Pershing.
Smith was a guest during Wednesday morning’s Live From Broadcast Square . The show airs weekday mornings at 9 a.m. on Talkradio 1270 and