The Society for the Prevention of Bored Housewives conduted a Fund Raiser Saturday & Sunday Dec. 3-4, at the Folk Art Festival for the Liberal Red Cross. The society donated a RCA 46” HD TV to the Liberal Red Cross. People were able to donate $1.00 for a ticket and were given a 2nd ticket free. 2,546 tickets were sold and $1,273.00 was raised. Rebecca Kile of Liberal was the winner of the TV.
Your local Red Cross will use these donations to help during disasters. We work with families to provide shelter, food, clothing and medicine. All disaster assistance is free and based on each individuals needs. Says, Sherry Helmke, manager of the Liberal Red Cross. Our service area covers, Seward County , Stevens County and Morton County .
Volunteers are trained to respond to all different kinds of disasters and to help where needed.
The Liberal Red Cross is looking for more volunteers to be on our Disaster Action Team. We are needing volunteers from, Liberal, Kismet, Hugoton, Moscow , Rolla & Elkhart. All Disaster classes are FREE. If you have a skill, talent or want to help in your community, give Sherry Helmke a call at the Liberal Red Cross, 620-624-8411.