The Kansas Department of Commerce announced the winners of the Main Street Awards of Excellence at the annual Kansas Downtown Symposium at Memorial Hall in Independence.
The event is sponsored by the Department’s Kansas Main Street program and provides community developers and business leaders a chance to network, attend workshops and discuss downtown development in Kansas.
The Kansas Main Street program helps community volunteers revitalize their city’s historic business district. The program tackles the complex issues of revitalization, capitalizing on downtown’s history and identifying the resources of the community itself. The Kansas program started in 1985 and provides management training, consultation visits, program evaluation, design assistance, business enhancement strategies, incentive dollars and training for board and committee members and program directors. Kansas Main Street is a self-help program. Staff provides technical assistance, but the responsibility and credit for success rests with the community leaders who offer time, expertise and enthusiasm to revitalizing downtown.
Award winners include:
Dodge City
Community Award – City of Dodge City
Excellence in Public/Private Partnerships – City of Dodge City and Ford County Development Corporation
Excellence in Promotion – Main Street Festival
Excellence in Architectural Design – Historic Downtown Design Guidelines
Excellence in Historic Preservation – Eckle’s Building Rehabilitation, Dr. Kirk Gross
Garden City
Community Award – City of Garden City
Excellence in Public/Private Partnerships – Garden City High School Art Club
Excellence in Business Development – Business Investor/Developer Recruitment Portfolio
Excellence in Business Promotion – Downtown Wellness Program
Reinvestment Award – $5 million
For details, contact Dan Lara, the Department’s public information officer, at (785) 296-3760