Liberal City Commission Holds Regular Meeting

Due to a lack of a quorum, the Liberal City Commission moved their regular meeting up to Monday evening at 6:30pm. Among the items on the agenda, the City Commission approved the refinancing of General Obligation Bonds currently issued by the City. In doing so the City saved 4.3% which resulted in a monetary savings of $70,000.00. Commissioners also approved the acceptance of an FM Global Grant for the Fire Department in the amount of $2000.00 which will be used for Fire Prevention equipment and software. The Commission also approved the condemnation of the property at 234 W. Hickory, and gave the owner 30 days to clean up, or make adequate progress in cleaning up the property. Staff will monitor the efforts and report back to the commission. The Liberal City Commission also approved the final readings of the Uniform Public Offense Codes and the Standard Traffic Ordinances, approved the replat of the M.C. Wheeler addition to allow for construction of Self-Help Housing, approved the Community Improvement District Policy, and authorized the transfer of $150, 000.00 from the 1 cent sales tax to the Capitol Project Fund for improvements to the South end of town and the Downtown Connectivity areas. Mayor Long, Vice-Mayor Denoyer, and Commissioner Willimon were also appointed as Voting Delegates to the League of Kansas Municipalities Annual Meeting. The Commission also designated September 16th as Mexican Independence Day in Liberal and proclaimed September 17th through the 23rd as Constitution Week in the City. The next regular meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be on September 27th.