Seward County Commission Meets

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening at 5:30pm at the Seward County Administration Building for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, County Commissioners approved the budget for the County, which reflects a mill increase of 3.3%. After a Public Hearing, the Commission did not approve the variance as requested because it did not meet the criteria as set forth by the commission. The Commissioners then heard from Tony Herrman of the Road and Bridge Department, and approved the drainage project for the fairgrounds at 11th street as presented. The Seward County Commissioners then went into executive session and then came out and took action on the Purchase of assets of Rural Waste Management. The Commission approved the purchase, approved the Letter of Agreement between 1st National Bank and the County regarding the 60 month period lease for equipment and an Euipment Lease Purchase agreement. The commissioners approved a $70,000.00 down payment with 50% coming from the Landfill Fund and 50% from the Waste Hauling Fund. Also incuded in the purchase, the County will hire the current RWM employees and provide them with Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance. At the meeting the Commission also went into a second executive session and came out and made a motion to hire April Warden as the full time County Administrator. This would be for a 2 year term, at a salary of $80,080.00 with duties to include Director Of Human Resources as well. This motion was approved by the Commission. The next meeting of the Seward County Commission will be Sept. 6th.