We would like to let the public know that we will indeed be selling peaches & pears from the Rocky Mountain Peach Company in Palisade, CO. At this time we have been notified by the company that due to an unseasonably cold spring and drought conditions the peach crop will be later than normal this year. We have already placed our order to guarantee delivery of both the peaches and pears. The most recent estimate is that we will have peaches ready for sale and delivery on or about the weekend of September 17 th & 18 th . We have been told to expect approximately a 10% reduction in the number of cases we will be able to secure for sale. We do not anticipate any significant increase in pricing over last year.
We would like to thank everyone for their continued patience, interest and support of the peach & pear sale. And we look forward to delivering a quality product to benefit a wonderful cause around mid-September. For more information or questions individuals can contact Kelly Kirk at 626-5436 or any Early Risers Kiwanis Member.