The Board of Trustees of Seward County Community College/Area Technical School met Monday evening, July 18 for the first regular meeting of the 2011-2012 fiscal year. The meeting focused on the initial organization of the board for the new fiscal year and authorization to publish the FY2012 budget.
New Trustee John Engel joined the Board filling the appointed position resulting from the resignation of Dr. Steve Cauble. The Trustees welcomed John and encouraged him to become active with the Board committees, gaining knowledge about the college’s operations, and involvement in college activities.
Michelle Hayes was introduced to the Board as the new assistant volleyball coach. Ms. Hayes has experience as a 4-year player at the NAIA level.
Sharon Hobble noted the excellent performances by Darin Workman and Dr. Magda Silva during “An Evening of Harmony,” which was a recent SCCC/ATS Foundation music scholarship fundraising event.
Ron Oliver and Marvin Chance, Jr. were elected chair and vice chair of the board for the coming year along with SCCC/ATS President Dr. Duane Dunn, Tina Call, and Mike Brond being elected as board clerk, board treasurer, and board vice-treasurer, respectively. The Board also completed assignments of Trustee working committees, and designated Dennis Sander, dean of finance and operations, as the compliance officer for Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504 initiatives. The High Plains Daily Leader & Times was designated as the legal publication for the college, and Sharp McQueen, P.A. was designated as the legal counsel for the board.
Dunn and Sander presented the FY2012 proposed budget for college operations. The board discussed the various revenue sources including student tuition and fees, state aid appropriations, and local sources of funds primarily various tax sources. State aid appropriations have declined during the past few years and a new state aid distribution formula will impact the college’s operations this year. The Kansas Board of Regents has not yet determined the method of a legislative directed budget reduction, which may include further reductions in state aid appropriations to SCCC/ATS. Although state aid has declined the college has realized an increase in enrollment on a consistent basis and pre-enrollment numbers indicate another enrollment increase for FY2012. The college has secured federal grants and contributions to establish new instructional programs including the corrosion technology program, and has utilized cash reserves, interest free bonds and federal ARRA funds to implement safety initiatives and facility improvements including ADA compliance.
Dr. Dunn explained that the proposed mill levy is a 0.59 mill increase; it is reflective of the approximate level of the mill levy assessed by the college in fiscal year 2000. He indicated this comparison while also recognizing the expansion of the college services including the merger of the area technical school, increased enrollment, and increased costs in technology and operations. Board chair Ron Oliver noted that the college has worked within a philosophy of lowered or minimal change in mill levy for several years.
The Board completed the annual review of the administrative succession plan and adopted the plan for continuance. The plan provides administrative responsibilities in the event of a short-term or long-term absence of the president or deans. The Board first adopted a succession plan in 2009, and reviews that plan annually to determine recommended changes or modifications in the job expectations of the administrators as well as addressing the continued operations of the college in the event a vacancy occurs.
Kids College is currently being held on campus and the next session will be July 25-28. Parents are encouraged to contact the college for more information on the Kids College activities.
The fall semester of classes will begin August 15 with welcome week activities scheduled during that week. The next regular Board meeting will be August 3.