The drought is taking an extreme toll on area crops. K-State Research an Extension Agent for Seward County Mike Hansen says things don’t look good.
“It’s pretty rough over a large portion of the country,” Hansen said on Talkradio 1270’s
Live From Broadcast Square. “It’s really rough looking at the crops because the dry land never emerged and the irrigation isn’t keeping up on a lot of the corn. It looks really bad out there.”
He says farmers are faced with difficult decisions.
“They’re looking at diverting the water instead of watering the whole circle they are looking at watering maybe half that circle and kind of windshield wipe the corn. Soybeans that were normally planted weren’t planted this year. A lot of dry land crops haven’t emerged and if they would happen to emerge right now as late as it is, the freeze would get it before it matures. It’s going to have a severe economic impact on our area, there’s no doubt about that.”
Hansen says the best thing farmers can do is first visit with their insurance carriers. Governor Sam Brownback toured the area last week.