The Kansas Federation of Teenage Republicans visited Liberal on Tuesday at Spencer Brownes Coffee House. Liberal was their first stop of a statewide tour to promote teenagers getting involved in the political process, along with the platform of the Republican Party.
Morgan Anderson, Chase Blasi, Dalton Glasscock, Jace Mills, and Jessie Schoech, all from the Wichita area made the trip to Liberal.
The group commented on Highway 54 and how they completely understand now why Southwest Kansas has been begging for a four lane highway. Glasscock said there were some pretty crazy truck drivers on the highway.
“I can see why you would want a better highway. The truck drivers were all over the place,” Glasscock said.
The group also discussed with several elected officials from Liberal who attended that the reason they became involved with KFTR was to help make people aware of the debt that the country is building up for them and their future kids.
“Everyday a bright future for us and our children diminishes as the current generation of leadership continues to ignore the reality of this massive debt. Many adults refuse to make the sacrifices necessary to take on this debt and hand over this nation better than they received it,” Blasi said.
The KFTR also is very passionate about social issues. Anderson, Blasi, Glasscock, Mills, and Schoech all are very pro-life and even discussed the issue with some local students from Liberal High School who showed up to Spencer Brownes for the event.
Mills of Winfield made sure to let the LHS students know that the group does like to have fun too, and that they aren’t just nerds.
“We may not look like we like to have fun, but we enjoy doing other fun things as well. We recently had a mud volleyball tournament, and we do many other fun activities as a group. It‘s not just all political talk” Mills said.
The five recently went to a conference in Minnesota where they were able to meet presidential candidates Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain. It comes as no surprise that both Bachmann and Cain currently are their favorites to get the Republican Party nomination.
The Seward County Republican Party had the KFTR members take a straw poll on who they would like to see receive the GOP nomination for President. Cain came in first, followed by Bachmann. Texas Governor Rick Perry, who hasn’t officially entered the race came in third, followed by former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.
The candidate that the group least liked was former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. They also weren’t big fans of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Their reasons were because Romney has been known to flip-flop on several key issues over the years including abortion.
Before leaving Liberal, KFTR visited Dorothy’s House and took pictures. Mills said their stop in Liberal gave them hope.
“During our time meeting with folks in Liberal it makes us further believe in American exceptionalism. The future is bright in Kansas, if we only can get control of the wasteful spending and the massive debt,” Mills said.
Glassock said it is not to late for the country to turn things around.
“This is our chance to let our voices be heard, since we cannot vote this is the youth’s way to make a difference in our cities, state, and nation. Youth all across Kansas need to stand up because this is our future, and it is quickly vanishing before our eyes. We can still be that "Shining City on a Hill," that (Ronald) Reagan once spoke of but we must be the change we want to see."
The five hope to make a return trip to Liberal in the fall to hopefully launch the start of a Seward County Chapter of the Teenage Republicans. The group will make stops in Garden City and Hays today, before meeting with Governor Sam Brownback and other state leaders on Thursday at the State Capital in Topeka.