The time has come for Guymon to crack down on illegal dumping, an issue recently brought to the attention of the Guymon Daily Herald.
Items that should be taken to the transfer station for disposal are being dumped behind the football field and rodeo grounds. Trash left at city parks from birthday parties and cookouts is also a problem of concern.
“There’s a little bit of everything out there (behind the rodeo grounds), like furniture and household trash,” said Guymon Police Chief Eddie Adamson. “There’s just not enough community pride to clean up after themselves.”
Adamson encouraged citizens to report illegal dumpers to the police department, with as much info as possible, including license plate, description, etc, to try and get the situation resolved.
“Unless we see them or someone reports it, we can’t do much about it,” said Adamson, who did say this was an ongoing problem and violators caught will be fined.