SCCC/ATS Board Of Trustees Meet

The Seward County Community College/Area Technical School Board of Trustees met Monday in its regular board meeting to discuss the budget, construction projects, and the strategic plan.
With regrets, the board accepted the resignation of Dr. Steve Cauble, chair of the board of trustees. Ron Oliver was elected chair of the board and Marvin Chance Jr. as vice chair for the remainder of fiscal year 2011.
As the college begins the budget process, the college anticipates the same allocation from the state in the general operating grant as last year. With an estimated increase in tuition revenue of $30,000 due to anticipated enrollment growth, the college plans to present a budget based on last year’s assessed valuation.
Key aspects being considered for the 2011-12 budget include the addition of a full-time behavioral science instructor, full-time admissions coordinator and full-time website designer/manager; the restructuring of educational services, public information, sports information and division secretaries; and the possible need for additional part-time clinical instructors in Respiratory Therapy, Surgical Technology and Medical Laboratory Technician.
Key capital improvement requests include replacing the wooden bleachers in the gym, vehicles over 140,000 miles, approximately 100 computers; updating distance education delivery equipment; and phase 3 of the security camera plan.
Other adjustments could include the addition of a men’s soccer coach to begin the program in 2013, institutionalization of some Title V grant activities; completion of a construction project for Title V grant and increased budget allocation for gas/diesel.
Other considerations include increasing costs of fuel, heating/cooling, lighting, paper and supplies.
The board also approved a 2 percent salary/wage increase for all employees and a one-year contract for faculty, raised the lid on the matching contribution to the employee’s tax sheltered annuity from $800 to $1,000 and continued to offer the current single coverage policy with Blue Cross and Blue Shield to all eligible employees.
Steve Wiens, project coordinator for the Title V grant, gave an update on equipment, permits and courses for the Corrosion Technology program, which begins this fall. The board approved a bid from Coonrod and Associates of Wichita in the amount of $1,014,000 to construct a new addition and remodel existing facilities at the Area Technical School to house the Corrosion Technology program. The plan includes a safe room for students at the Area Technical School.
The board approved financing for the project in the amount of $1,255,706 with funding from the Title V Federal Grant, Lease Purchase Agreement with First National Bank, general fund reserve for capital acquisitions and Federal ARRA Stimulus Funds.
The college has submitted a second Title V proposal to the U.S. Department of Education for a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) grant. If approved, the grant would fund programs in Sustainable Agriculture Resources, Food Safety Science and Engineering. The $4,123,000 grant would include two greenhouses, classroom/ lab for food safety, the remodel of two rooms in the Ag Building, instructors, transfer specialist, bilingual support specialist and project secretary.
The Gas Compressor Institute showed a growth in attendance and venders this year, said Dale Reed, associate dean of educational services. This year the planning committee opened the exhibit to the public without cost, which brought in an additional 127 individuals from the industry.
Both Rapp and Dunn remarked on the awards ceremony for Elva Morales, the recipient of the outstanding alumni award form the American Association of Community Colleges. Other recipients included the president and CEO of AT&T Mobility, the president of the Rosaria P. Haugland Foundation and a member of the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame.
In other action, the board
1. Accepted the resignations of Jay Cyriac, assistant men’s basketball coach; Koko Davis, director of the Student Learning Center; Robert Herbig, TRiO Academic and Career Advisor; Alison Owens, assistant volleyball coach; and Brice Sager, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration instructor;
2. Approved the employment of Dennis Sander, dean of finance and operations, and Teddi Winslow, agriculture instructor;
3. Approved the purchase of video conferencing equipment from Cytek Media Systems in the amount of $33,567 to broadcast GED classes to Garden City and Dodge City community colleges, using state Kan-Ed and Adult Basic Education funds;
4. Approved the purchase of surplus equipment from the Kansas State Surplus Property in the amount of $25,000 for a 1993 Ford LTL 9000 with sleeper, two 1997 Wabash National Trailers, and a 1995 Trailmobile Trailer for the truck-driving program;
5. Approved the bid from Alexander Open Systems in the amount of $33,797.64 for phase II of the Security Camera Project, including a media server; and
6. Approved the publishing of a notice of vacancy on the SCCC/ATS Board of Trustees. Those interested in applying for the Trustee position are to notify Board Clerk, Dr. Duane Dunn by June 20, 2011.
The board will have a special planning retreat from 4-9 p.m., Thursday, May 5 in 214 E/W.
Donetta Dreitz, registrar, gave an overview of the graduation ceremonies at 10 a.m., Saturday, May 14 and explained the responsibilities of the board members. The Nursing Capping and Pinning is at 7:30 p.m., Friday, May 13. The GED graduation will be at 3 p.m., Saturday, May 14.
Summer hours begin Monday, May 23. Offices hours will be from 7 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Thursday, with the campus closed on Fridays beginning May 27, 2011. The next Board meeting will be June 27.