Liberal City Commission Meets

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday night at 6:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the City Commission approved the final readings of Ordinances 4393 and 4394 which deal with changes in the Sign Ordinances. The Commission also approved the setting of two hearings for the Condemnation of properties at 114 W. Coolidge and 1011 E. 8th Street. The hearing will be April 26th. The Commissioners also rescinded the Condemnation of properties at 520 N. Nebraska, 917 N. New York, and 718 S. Seward as the owners of the properties addressed the violations and came into compliance with city codes. The Housing Department was given approval to apply for the 2011 USDA Mutual Self-Help Housing Grant. If awarded he amount of the Grant would be for $317,000.00 which would assist in the construction of 18 homes. Also for the Housing Department, the Commission approved purchasing 100 smoke detectors and 100 carbon monoxide detectors for the Safe At Home Program, in the amount of $3,300.00 from Westlake Ace Hardware. Also at the meeting the Commission directed staff to pursue the paying off of the General Obligation Bond that were issued for the development of the Arkalon Water Wells. By paying off the bonds a year and a half early, the City will save $14,699.38. The bond payoff money has come from fees charged for water to the Arkalon Ethanol Plant. The Commission also appointed Kevin Clark and Tracy Guitierrez to the Arkalon Board. The Liberal City Commission will next meet on Tuesday, March 22, 2011.