Candidates for municipal office in one Texas County municipalities file Declarations of Candidacy beginning at 8 a.m. Monday, February 7.

Kimberly Sloat, Secretary of the County Election Board, said the filing period ends at 5 p.m. Wednesday, February 9

Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted at the County Election Board office for the indicated offices for each of the following municipalities.

City of Guymon ——————-
Councilmember, Ward 3- Four Year Term

Councilmember, Ward 4- Four Year Term

Councilmember At Large Position- Four Year Term

City of Hooker ——————–
Councilmember, Ward 1- Four Year Term

Councilmember, Ward 3- Four Year Term

Mayor- Four Year Term

City Clerk- Four Year Term

Town of Goodwell ——————
Three Trustees- Four Year Term

Town Clerk- Four Year Term

Town of Hardesty ——————-
Two Trustees- Four Year Term

One Trustee- Two Year Term

Town of Texhoma ——————
Three Trustees- Four Year Term

Town Clerk/Treasurer- Four Year Term

Town of Tyrone ——————–
Two Trustees- Four Year Term

Town Clerk- Four Year Term

Two Trustees- Two Year Unexpired Term

Treasurer- Two Year Unexpired Term

The municipal offices at stake will be filled in the nonpartisan Regular Municipal Election scheduled April 5, 2011.