SWMC Medical Staff Reorganizes

New officers for 2011 were named at a recent meeting of the Southwest Medical Center Medical Staff. Dr. Anthony Canfield was named Chief of Staff; Dr. Assadolah Zainali, Vice Chief of Staff; and Dr. Gurpreet Randhawa, Secretary. Dr. Rick Fitzgerald and Dr. Mariana Lucero were named as members at large. As Chief of Staff, Canfield will serve as the chief officer of the Medical Staff and the chairperson of the Medical Executive Committee. His duties include: calling, presiding at, and being responsible for the agenda of all meetings of the Medical Staff and the Medical Executive Committee; serving as a voting member of the Medical Executive Committee; representing the views and policies of the Medical Staff to the Board of Trustees and the Administrator; serving as spokesperson for the Medical Staff in external professional and public relations; and performing such other functions as may be assigned to him by the medical staff bylaws, the Medical Executive Committee, or the Medical Staff. As Vice Chief of Staff, Zainali will assume all duties and authority of the Chief of Staff in the event that Canfield is unable or unwilling to fulfill his duties. Zainali will be a member of the Medical Executive Committee, a member and chairperson of the Physician/Utilization Review Committee, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the Medical Executive Committee or the Medical Staff. Randhawa, in his role as secretary for the organization, will be responsible for maintaining a current roster of members of the Medical Staff and their specific category of membership and shall keep accurate and complete minutes of all meetings of the Medical Staff and Medical Executive Committee. He will assume all duties and authority of the Vice Chief of Staff in the event Dr. Zainali is unable or unwilling to fulfill his duties. Randhawa will be a member of the Medical Executive Committee and shall perform other such duties as delegated to him by the Medical Executive Committee or the Medical Staff. Those considered for one of the officer positions must be members of Southwest Medical Center’s Active Staff at the time of their nomination and election and must remain members of the Active Staff throughout their term of office. Officers serve for one year, commencing on the first day of the Medical Staff Year for which he or she is elected.