Sen. Garret Love Appointed To 5 Committees

Newly appointed state Sen. Garrett Love is off to a quick start in Topeka with five committee appointments.
Love, who represents the 38th District, announced Monday that he will serve on the Agriculture, Assessment and Taxation, Utilities, Natural Resources and Local Government committees.

Love said the Assessment and Taxation Committee will focus on building a business-friendly environment in Kansas.

Kansas ranks 35th in the Tax Foundation ??s State Business Tax Climate Index, which compares corporate, individual income, sales, unemployment insurance and property taxes, according to The Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan educational organization.
Love also said the committee will look at Gov. Sam Brownback ??s proposal for rural opportunity zones, which could grant incentives to attract people to move into counties with declining populations.
On the Agriculture Committee, Love said members will be looking at regulations from the federal government, particularly from the Environmental Protection Agency.

However, it ??s still early in the game, and not all of these committees have met. But Love has some idea of what they ??ll do.
He said the Utilities Committee will be looking at broadband initiatives, and the Natural Resources Committee will tackle water rights.