New Housing Programs Now Available.

During a February City Commission meeting, commissioners approved two new housing programs. The first program is a First Time Homebuyer Program. Qualified applicants who have not owned a home for more than three years, can apply for $3,000.00 down payment assistance to purchase a home in Liberal. The second program is an opportunity for senior citizens to make affordable repairs to their homes. Senior citizens can apply for one of three types of assistance. Weatherization and Home Security, where they could be eligible for up to $3,000.00 in assistance. Emergency Home Repair Assistance for Elderly and Disabled. Those qualifying could recieve up to $2,000.00 for emergencies. The third program is called the Exterior Enhancement Program. Qualified applicants could recieve up to $2,000.00 for exterior enhancements to their homes. Applications for these programs became available yesterday, April 1st, and can be picked up in the Housing Office in City Hall.